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Broadmoor Neighborhood Watch
​NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is a community-based program supported by the National Sheriffs’ Association. Residents of thousands of communities across the nation have discovered that they can make a difference in preventing crime. Broadmoor has a Neighborhood Watch program.
The prevention of crime – particularly crime involving residential neighborhoods – is a responsibility that must be shared by law enforcement and private citizens. The fact is, the impact on crime prevention by law enforcement alone is minimal when compared with the power of private citizens working with law enforcement and with each other.
Broadmoor is divided into quadrants with a Quadrant Coordinator for each quadrant. Each Quadrant Coordinator has Block Captains, each representing typically 10 to 20 residents. It is the responsibility of all residents in the program to be the eyes and ears for law enforcement and to report incidents as soon as possible. Communication to law enforcement and members of the Neighborhood Watch Program is critical in making the program successful. The combination Private Police Patrols and the Neighborhood Watch Program have proven to be very successful.
Anyone interested in becoming an active member of Broadmoor’s Neighborhood Watch Program, are encouraged to contact our Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair by leaving a message at the B.R.A. HelpLine (225-926-9829).
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